About Us

Pearlfect Care is a private pharmacy in Aylesbury with a clinical focus that separates us from regular retail pharmacies. Why? Because we offer far more than just dispensing prescriptions. We understand people want more choice, which is why our services are tailored to your needs. We plan around your needs and preferences instead of offering a one-size-fits-all care approach. We are more patient-focused than other pharmacies and use pragmatic innovation – this is why we care.

Health management is not easy. That’s why we are here to provide on-going guidance on how to safely and effectively use medicines. We work with patients and other health care professionals to advise you on the best treatments.

We offer pharmacy-based point-of-care testing to alleviate the health service and provide you with a faster service, so you can receive effective treatment quicker. If you are unable to leave the house, we can provide pharmacist home visits to you.

It is our mission to provide excellent clinical services that optimise patient health outcomes through convenient care.

Convenience of Our Private Pharmacy Services

We know that healthcare funding is not what it used to be. Patients are now experiencing delays and gaps in service delivery and many patients have been lost in the system altogether. Therefore, Pearlfect Care is maximising its practice efficacy by increasing access to quality healthcare services from everywhere (outside the regular medical facility) such as homes, workplaces, on business trips, on holidays, etc.

Time for New Pharmacy-Led Services

The 2020 Covid-19 pandemic is mandating significant changes in the way pharmacy services are structured and delivered. Our objective is to organise our services around what you need, rather than create an unnecessary full range of services. We are taking small steps forward by introducing new pharmacy-led services besides just prescription dispensing. We now offer point-of-care diagnosis and vital signs health checks. We generate reliable results in under 5 minutes. Documentation can be sent to your surgery to enable earlier diagnosis and treatment.

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